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Flash Man Doc Robot Bubble Man
Gemini Man Title
Doc Robot Stage

Gemini Man Doc Robot Stage Map (click for large version)


Robot Master
Name: Flash Man
Creator: Dr. Wily
Number: 14
Weapon: Flash (Time) Stopper
Height: 134 cm
Flash Man can stop time using his Time Stopper, but he can't do any damage with it. So, to compensate, he uses his own Arm Cannon. Be sure to get out of the way when he begins to flash, and use the Gemini Laser or the Needle Cannon to stop his clock.

Name: Bubble Man
Creator: Dr. Wily
Number: 11
Weapon: Bubble Lead
Height: 130 cm
Keep your distance from Bubble Man's bubbles as they come towards you, and dodge his Arm Cannon attack with long jumps. Spark Shock should do him in quickly.

Fire Dropper
Beanie Bomb Dropper
Eggs with Fish
Big Fish Blowhole Missile

Large Weapon Pellet (2)
Question Tank (2)

How To

How To Screen Shot 1
Take the Fire Droppers out of the equation before they become a problem.

How To Screen Shot 2
Take out the third row of Fish Eggs first...

How To Screen Shot 3
...then take out the second row of Fish Eggs. You'll have no problem getting though.

How To Screen Shot 4
Don't waste time taking out any other rows of Fish Eggs than the bottom one.

How To Screen Shot 5
Don't waste time taking out any other rows of Fish Eggs than the bottom one.

How To Screen Shot 6
Only take out this one Fish Egg. Take out any others and you might risk your ability to get over the wall.

How To Screen Shot 7
Don't waste time taking out any other rows of Fish Eggs than the bottom one.

How To Screen Shot 8
The Needle Cannon is the easiest way to dispatch Flash Man.

How To Screen Shot 9
Watch out when Flash Man stops time as he will try to shoot at Mega Man.

How To Screen Shot 10
The Gemini Laser will take out Flash Man quickly, though if you miss, Mega Man won't be able to shoot again for several seconds.

How To Screen Shot 11
Unless you're using a Game Genie code, the only way up here is to use Rush.

How To Screen Shot 12
Though it is possible to get though this section without using Rush (you'd need to use Game Genie codes), Rush Marine will make your life easy.

How To Screen Shot 13
If using Rush, make sure to fill up as often as possible.

How To Screen Shot 14
Walk all the way to the right of the screen to avoid being hit by the Beanie Bomb Droppers.

How To Screen Shot 15
Slide under this block to get away from the fast moving Lice.

How To Screen Shot 16
How come the Lice can walk on the Spikes, but Mega Man can't? It's not fair, I tell ya! Mega Man just can't get a break.

How To Screen Shot 17
Hit Bubble Man with the Spark Shock while avoiding his pellet fire and his slow moving bubbles.

How To Screen Shot 18
The Shadow Blade can take out Bubble Man quickly, though it doesn't have the range that the Spark Shock does.


Gemini Man

Gemini Man MIDI

Gemini Man MOD

Gemini Man MP3

Gemini Beam (Weapon)


Copyright © 1998-2000 David Bradbury

Since January 1, 1999

Tuesday, 27-Jun-2000 21:23:11 EDT