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Dr. Wily
Dr. Wily Stage 5

Dr. Wily Stage 5 Map (click for large version)


Robot Master
Name: Wily's Spike Ship (aka Fake Wily)
Creator: Dr. Wily
1. First, take out the cannon hanging from the bottom of the machine with the Spark Shock, then when Wily appears, hit him with the Hard Knuckle.
2. (This is how I do it) When the cannon appears on screen, get on Rush Jet, and get close, then shoot as fast as you can. If you do this right, removing the cannon should take no more than five seconds. Then (when Wily appears), fly up and shoot him as fast as you can. He will lower himself for a moment, but don't worry, just resume firing when he comes back up.


Large Energy Pellet (2)
Question Tank (2)

How To

How To Screen Shot 1
This here is a rookie mistake. When you recharge one of your weapons, don't forget to change back to the Arm Cannon before firing at the Question Tanks.

How To Screen Shot 2
When the cannon comes onto the screen, shoot at it quickly. The Hard Knuckle also does this job well.

How To Screen Shot 3
Wily’s contraption will recharge itself once the cannon is destroyed. Fly up with Rush Jet and blast away. Don't worry when Dr. Wily lowers his machine, it will come back up.

How To Screen Shot 4
OMG! You mean it's not Dr. Wily??


Dr. Wily’s Castle 5 & 6

Dr. Wily’s Castle 5 & 6 MP3


Copyright © 1998-2000 David Bradbury

Since January 1, 1999

Tuesday, 27-Jun-2000 21:23:11 EDT